WordFile Creator Pro (Japanese) is a shareware utility aimed to help us increase our Japanese vocabulary by creating customized Japanese audio word files, which can be imported to another Japanese learning program called Japanese FlashCards. If we are interested in learning words related to a given topic such as business, travel, music, etc., we can create very easily our own word files. The program wizard will assist us along the project that is made in four stages. We must name our project and collect words from any of these locations: the Japanese Dictionary, text files, FlashCards files, and the developer's archive. In addition, we can convert Windows to Pocket PC word files, and vice versa. This program also lets us download/import mp3 sound files containing the pronunciation for each word. Once the word file has been created, it is possible to save it as a XFL, and/or XWF file. We can evaluate this software free of charge. In addition to the Japanese Dictionary, and FlashCards, there are other related shareware programs called ReadWrite Kanji, ReadWrite Hiragana, and ReadWrite Katakana, that may be of interest to people wanting to study Japanese.